Post Office

From Journey


The Transportation Database gives you the ability to manage Vehicles, Reservations and Drivers on your location.

You can do more than just this if you want to.



A Subscriber has a Subscription to a PO Box.

The system lets you take this as deep as you want to. A PO Box may be nothing more than a label on a shelf, or it may be a full PO Box with a lockbox and key.



A Subscription can have a cost against it, an expiry date, and a PO Box


Generally, a Post Office will only accept Packages for people with a PO Box. You may choose to run your Post Office differently.

When a Package is received against a PO Box you can choose which person of the Subscription the message is to go to.

Currently on an Email is sent, but when there is enough interest in this Database we will connect it with an SMS gateway and you can also send text messages. There will be an extra fee for this as SMS gateways have their own subscription costs.

This can be set up to send a second SMS after two days.


PO Box

A PO Box my be physical with a key, or just a shelf somewhere. We are building this out to meet all the possible needs..

