
From Journey
Revision as of 20:49, 14 October 2020 by Howlmc (talk | contribs) (→‎DBs)


We are calling this framework Kokua. A Hawaiian word that means to work or pitch in. This framework is being designed to help you with your work, your data, and keeping it in order.


Symfony has the build blocks for you to make your own Authentication system.


User registers, and may or may not need to confirm ownership of the registered email address.


When set, the user can not log in till they have confirmed their email address.

Password Recovery

A simple form for them to enter their email address to get an email to reset their password.


This may not be needed as it will be able to be presented in the Settings area.

If we do want this, this will show a user their profile information.


This is a free-floating field to received Roles.

All people get the role ROLE_USER by default. Other roles can be code as needed.


username (do we really want this?)


Depending on how the framework is being used will create what a user sees in the settings area.


In the case of Journey, there are tabs for Kokua, Ohana, Kula, Hui, and Accounts.


Self-populating of the fields that have control over.


As we looked at developing this framework, we wanted to consider how data flows across the database.

We are developing the idea of an Alpha Record, a primary record we want to store data about.


An obvious Alpha Type is People. You have people in your system that may or may not login, that you want to track, or they want to track them selves.


The second area of Alpha Type is Things. This may be Business, Ohana, Domain Name, School, Hardware, any thing that is a thing.


Connections can be used to connect people to people, things to people and things to thing.


This is a list that is going to grow. It is what activities might happen between the various Alpha.


Schools have announcements. People have announcements. People have announcements in a school and the other people of that school get to see this.


This is a very special area that we have developed for the Database Journey, where People belong to an Ohana and they create an even to share with others, the share will have a time and place, it will have an activity, Pot Luck, Movie Night, Open Mic. It may be for a limited number of people or unlimited. It may need to have a cost associated, and it can have a duration.

Alpha Data

What sort of data do we want to record around an Alpha Record.


A Child Record is a singular piece of data.

  • Date of Birth.
  • Personal Interests.
  • Title, if any.


An Information Record can have multiple items. Think of a Contact Set that holds all the contact information for a person, Cell, Email, Facebook, Skype, Instagram, basically anyway you can be in contact with them.

Addresses, all the addresses associated with this Alpha. Home Address, Delivery Address, PO Box, Street Address, Other Addresses.


An Alpha can have uploaded documents and pictures against their Record. they are split up by definable types.


Days are specific to a database that needs to manage teams and days and documents.

Display Type

One thing we have not mentioned in the section above is to talk about the types of information a record may have, we have come to see that there are only six types of data.

  • 1. Text (up to 255 characters)
  • 2. Date Time
  • 3. Boolean (Yes/No, True/False)
  • 4. Integer (A non-decimal number)
  • 5. Blob (Long form-data)
  • 6. Number (Float)

A Display Type defines what the Child/Information record will contain. It may just be a type 1, so only short-form text. Or it maybe 1,2,5. Where each record can have a Title, Date, and Body Text.

When this is associated with an Information Record there is also a selection of a Sub Type, like Contact: Ph, Cell, Wk Email, Email, etc.

These can even be set up with default data, and error code.

Menu System

The Menu system takes away the need to setup Menus at the programming level for each different use of the Kokua Framework.

Menu Position

Where can Menus be?

TopLeft TopLeftCenter TopCenter TopRight TopRightCenter
BottomLeft BottomLeftCenter BottomCenter BottomRight BottomRightCenter

Menu Types

These kinds of Menu Types can be in these Menu Positions above.

icon           An Icon in a Menu Position.
list           A List in a Menu Position.
menuitem       A Menu Item.
menumaster     A Menu Menu.
menusubitem    A Menu Item Sub Item.
boxes          For the Boxes visual Menu System.


In the Kokua Framework, we quickly found the need to have specialized Databases to manage subsections of a Customers's Framework.

For instance, in Journey, we have Kokua who are traveling the world looking for interesting people doing interesting things so they can come and volunteer.

While all people join Journey as Kokua, they are not travelers, but Hosts, the create an Ohana, and offer a place to sleep and a chair at the dining table in exchange for X amount of work a day.

We saw that an Ohana might be something more than just a Farm or a Family, so we developed Hui to take in the idea of an Organisation.

A Hui can be created that could be a Ministry, an Orphanage, a Large Farm, something with bigger management needs.

A Hui can then have a Transportation Database, or a Maintenance Database, or an Accommodation database. [list is expanded here].



Master Records

ART Types

Child Types


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