
From Journey
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Journey Contents


Ohana means family.

A place of love, a place to share love, with the idea of working together.

Most people in Journey may only ever be Kōkua; however, some may choose to become Hosts, to create an Ohana to share their lives and even share their homes with Kōkua who are traveling the world.

Do you also want to become a Host, be someone doing something interesting, farming, inner-city work, or community development?

You get to become a place that can engage people in your local community in your journey in Jesus and be a place that can Host Kōkua who are traveling the world and exploring life in Jesus.

As a host, you can also share and host an event, be it a day at the beach, a workday on your farm, an evening potluck, or a game night.

Let people know what is happening in your Announcements and Activities.

Create an Ohana and start filling out your profile.


One strong idea with Journey is that Ohana provides locations for Kōkua to come and stay.

To swap their work for board and food. As an Ohana, you get to train up travelers in the things you do, from mowing lawns to caring for Aquaponics, from grounds maintenance to cooking meals. The possibilities are endless.

Once you have accepted a Stay and finished it, both you as an Ohana and you as a Kōkua get to write a review.


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