Book a Seat

From Journey

Book a Share

A Share, an Event is a thing that people belonging to an Ohana can create to share their lives with others.

We are interested in creating thouands of small Ohana with tens of thosuands of small events.

Big is not better.

A Share may be a film night, were you lounge can hold ten people. Make post this Share to your Ohana, and start creating your community.

Going for a hike, or a trip to the beach, got three spare seats in your car?

Create this Share, let people book one of your seats, communicate with them for meet up and off you go.

There are no end of events and shares that you can create.

Who can create a Share

At this time, any one belonging to your Ohana can create a Share.

Interested in helping build out this part of Journey?

Would really like your feed back, specially if you succed in breaking it.