Master Tables

From Journey

As we developed the databases of Journey we got feed back from people that they did not want all the features we were programing in. For instance the Transportation database has provsions for managing Private Drivers, their Vehicles and Permits. This needed to be truned on and off as a customer desired.

  • We had the DbAlphaType of Private Driver.
  • We had the DbResourceType of Parking Permit.
  • We had the DbThingType of Private Vehicle.

This plus a number of other issues has caused us to create a Master set of tables.


Every database starts with a Db Type. What is the database, Maintenance, Post Office?

The DbType causes a set of DbAlphaTypes & DbResourcesTypes & DbThingTypes to be created from their respective DbAlphaTypeMaster.

Full List

Master DbAlphaTypeMaster DbResourceTypeMaster DbThingTypeMaster
Type DbAlphaType DbResourceType DbThingType
Master DbAlphaChildTypeMaster DbResourceChildTypeMaster DbThingChildTypeMaster
Child DbAlphaChildType DbResourceChildType DbThingChildType
Master DbAlphaInfoTypeMaster DbResourceInfoTypeMaster DbThingInfoTypeMaster
Info DbAlphaInfoType DbResourceInfoType DbThingInfoType
Master DbAlphaEmailsTypeMaster DbResourceEmailsTypeMaster DbThingEmailsTypeMaster
Emails DbAlphaEmailsType DbResourceEmailsType DbThingEmailsType
Master DbAlphaFormsTypeMaster DbResourceFormsTypeMaster DbThingFormsTypeMaster
Forms DbAlphaFormsType DbResourceFormsType DbThingFormsType
Master DbAlphaActionTypeMaster DbResourceActionTypeMaster DbThingActionTypeMaster
Action DbAlphaActionType DbResourceActionType DbThingActionType
Master DbAlphaActionSubTypeMaster DbResourceActionSubTypeMaster DbThingActionSubTypeMaster
Action Sub DbAlphaActionSubType DbResourceActionSubType DbThingActionSubType
Master DbActivitiesTypeMaster
Activities DbActivitiesType
Master DbAdminActivityMaster DbAdminActivityItemMaster
Admin Activity DbAdminActivity DbAdminActivityItem

