My Ohana

From Journey

This is your Ohana.

An Ohana is where you do interesting things as you walk through life with Jesus.

You get to define what that means, how you express it and how you invite others into your Ohana so you can all grow.

There are a whole lot of questions you can answer in settings about your Ohana. How structured or unstructured it is. Are you accepting people to come and stay, do you host shares.

You can set your Ohana Public or Private.

  • Public means people can come and work with you for board

You can be Open or Closed.

  • Open means anyone can join you without being invited

You can be Active or Inactive.

  • Active means you are currently doing things in your community.
  • Closed mean you are not currently active, maybe you are traveling.

You can be Searchable or Unsearchable.

  • If you are Unsearchable you can not be found.

Finally Emails.

  • If you set it External, then when people comment on you in Journey, make a Share, make an announcement, an email will be sent to your Ohana email address.