DB Testing

From Journey

Testing DBs

Doing the Work of an Admin

People, Resources, Things

These three areas have all the same functions.

  • List
    • Can you list People/Resources/Things?
    • Can you edit People/Resources/Things?
    • Can you edit the Child Items of People/Resources/Things?
  • Create
    • Can you bring in an existing Person/Resources/Things to all the various areas?
    • Can you invite a person?
    • Can you create a totally new People/Resources/Things into Journey?
  • Report
    • Can you create a new Report?
    • Can you edit an existing Report?
    • Can you run reports Reports?
  • Import
    • Can you import new People?
  • Export
    • Can you create an export?
    • Can you edit an existing export?
    • Can you export exiting People/Resources/Things?
  • Search
    • Can you create a new search?
    • Can you edit an existing search?
    • Can you run an existing search?
